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Clairvoyants & Their Types
By Abhishek
The word clairvoyance with its associated words 'clairaudience' and 'clairsentience' comes from the 17th century French words - 'Clair' meaning clear and 'Voyant' means seeking. Clairvoyance is a Read more...



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Online PsychicAre you looking for spiritual guidance? Call our psychic hotlines for advice on love, relationships, career, money, health, self confidence or even if you just need someone to talk to!

Important: psychic hotlines are manned by real psychic mediums. Psychics can offer advice & guidance by giving you a reading and being able to tap in to natural forces that govern us all.

capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy. A Psychic gets impressions that are not necessarily related to a specific third party entity or deceased person.

Some people may be misguided by Hotlines where psychics than can look in to the future. This can be a misconception as most psychics read what is here today or in the past, or most importantly read you. This is what most skeptics focus on, that psychics cannot look in to the future, which in essence may be true, but totally misses what is really important which is being able to read here & now, read a person, their environment and state of mind then being able to react to what they see or feel. Therefore a Psychic in a non direct way can help shape the future by helping you make the right decision to get what you want. Try a psychic reading today. it wont cost the earth, but can make you earth a more pleasant place.

Tarot Reading to your Mobile Phone

The Value Of A Psychic
By Malina Havard, Fri Dec 9th

I know the thought of spending money for a psychic reading on a hotlines to give you advice & step into your situation to heal your pain & help turn things around to your favor, or even intervene psychically or even magically, doesn't seem like it would be worth spending money on to you. "Psychic Hotlines", Let's think about that for a minute. Say that your financial situation is going bad, there seems to be a blockage somewhere and you don't know what it could be or even how to change things, and there is someone out there who is broadcasting that they can things for you. Let's say it's not your finances, it's your love life. It seems like everything is going fine, but with each relationship, it all falls apart too easily. If that is happening to you now, call a psychic hotline to get help. Nothing seems to gel and your heart keeps getting broken. Would you hold off on obtaining that assistance? therefore leaving your situation exactly the same, because you don't want to spend money? The fact is, it might be well worth it to spend the money just to have your situation turn around again.


Let's look at it in an alternative way. What do you do when your car breaks down? You try to fix it yourself to save money if you can? or do you have to take it to a repair shop?. You don't just leave it broken because it might cost some money to repair, because then you are not getting the necessary use out of your car that you need. Psychics & Hotlines


What do you do when you have an organ that needs to be removed? or a tooth, or some other ailment because there is a blockage or just because you are suffering? If you are suffering enough, you go to the doctor, you get treatment, you get healed! you have it fixed for you because you don't have the knowledge to fix it yourself.

In this life, you pay the one with the knowledge and the know how to perform certain services, like make repairs to or change whatever is not right in your life. Why then, do people not acknowledge what a offers as being just as valuable, if not even more so, especially if they can help to change your personal situation, so it increases, prospers, or grows to be better than what you had in the first place, because you fear you will not have enough money? If not, call our psychic hotlines today

Isn't the obvious solution to find someone that can repair or change what is wrong? Yet, many people regard psychic assistance, advice and direct intervention much the same way as having no real value. The truth is, we are the experts on the unseen and the unknown causes around people and their situations, we hold the solutions because we believe in the problems. It's not made up or all in somebody's imagination, but psychic power is very real and sometimes very hard to understand or try to bring out your own psychic powers, but I do it.

I work hard and diligently until I come up with a solution to other peoples' problems. I heal peoples' situations and things they can't even see to work on or repair themselves. The things their minds and imaginations won't even accept much less acknowledge is what I work on. I am very good at what I do and my work is SO valuable to others and they don't even realize that. Stop seeing us as invaluable and realize I can really help and make a difference or differences, because this is my area, and allow me to do my work and stop undermining the quality of it. The fact is, we {psychics and healers} are MORE important than most workers out there BECAUSE what we do is invisible, so it'svery hard to see to work on, hard to track down to repair, and not always a picnic when in the process of it, but it WORKS! It makes huge differences in peoples' lives. What other reason could there be for that than problems outside our imaginations and sight exist in this life and certain people can detect and repair those problems so life is easier and better to live?

Adapted from author: Malina Havard is the owner of A Mystical Creation,

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Additional Resources
Underestimating The Power Of Psychic Readings
By Ian
You've probably been to a psychic at one time in your life and left wondering how they did it. The truth is they possess a skill that is inherent in almost everybody. The difference is they have Read more...
Additional Resources
Psychic With 9 Guides Reads Others, Heals & Teaches
By Malina Havard, Fri Dec 9th
/p>I am an empath, I am clairvoyant, clairsentient, andclairaudient. I see and feel auras, describe people, places andthings from what I pick up from client's voices, as well as theenvironment. Read more...

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